Patient Responsibilities
Your Responsibilities as a Patient
The patient has the responsibility to:
- Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters related to your health.
- Provide us with information about your expectations of and satisfaction with the organization.
- Share your advance directive with us. We will send a copy of your advance directive with your clinical records if we transfer you to the hospital.
- Ask questions when you do not understand your care, treatment, or services or what you are expected to do.
- Follow your plan of care, treatment, or services. You should also express any concerns about your ability to follow the proposed plan of care, treatment, or services.
- Accept your share of responsibility for the outcomes of care, treatment, or services if you do not follow the care, treatment, or services plan.
- Follow our policy and procedures. You should have a reliable adult (18 years or older) drive you home from the facility and stay with you for 24 hours, if required.
- Be considerate of staff and property, as well as other patients and their property.
- Meet any financial obligation agreed to with the organization. ASC-8996, 04/2021