Patient Forms
Forms You’ll Bring with You to Surgery
Upon scheduling your surgery, a member of your doctor’s team will provide you with the required forms to fill out. We encourage you to take time to complete these before arriving on day of surgery, so that we may care for you promptly.
Information for Patients to Review
- Advance Directives
- Patient Rights – English
- Patient Rights – Spanish
- Patient Responsibilities
- Grievance
Información para que los pacientes revisen – in Spanish
Puede traducir la información en las páginas del sitio web tocando el botón en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla.
Notice of Privacy Practices
HIPAA – this notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

The photos above show The Surgery Center of Granger. It’s a modern, friendly and relaxing location.